The Landings Racquet and Swim Club

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors meets four times a year on dates, times, and locations established by the board.

Board of Directors:
President & Treasurer:  Jeff Urbaniak
Vice President:  Carol Ripley
Secretary:  Val Bruck
At Large:  Judy Osty
At Large:  Jane Koker

If you have an issue, concern, suggestion, or complaint that you would like the board to address, get in touch with Lawrence Community Management Group by emailing Dave Pawlowski at and provide specific details.

If you have an issue with the management company or any of its representatives, CLICK HERE to get in contact with the Board of Directors.

Financial management of the association is performed by Lawrence Community Management Group, overseen by the Board of Directors.

To get in touch with the board, fill in the form below and click "Send."



