Monthly fees are due on 1st day of each month.
Monthly fees in 2024 for unit owners in 85, 86, 88, 89, 92, 93, 96, 97, 99, and 100 are $375.87
(In 2025, they will be $373.75)
Monthly fees in 2024 for unit owners in 87, 90, 91, 94, 95, and 98 are $498.82
(In 2025, they will be $496.00)
Payments can be mailed or delivered to the management company at:
Landings Condomium Owners' Association No. 6 Inc.
c/o Lawrence Community Management Group
1507 Lear Industrial Parkway, Suite 1
Avon, Ohio 44011
Owners will initially receive a payment booklet. The applicable monthly stub from the payment booklet must be submitted with each payment. Each year, a new payment booklet will be issued.
If you prefer an automatic electronic withdrawal payment, call the management company at (440) 937-2800 to set it up.
Explanation of fees:
Association fees are established on an annual basis and paid in monthly increments. Fees are derived from the association's budget established by its Board of Directors. The budget is determined by the association's operational and maintenance needs, as well as a minimal contribution to the reserve fund to cover unforeseen maintenance costs that may be incurred over the course of a calendar year. Once the budget is determined for the association, a fair-share formula is then applied to determine fees for each unit.
Fees for units 85, 86, 88, 89, 92, 93, 96, 97, 99, and 100 consist of 5.567125% of the association's budget. Fees for units 87, 90, 91, 94, 95, and 98 consist of 7.388125% of the association's budget. The disparity in percentage is based on a difference in unit square footage between the two groups. Square footage for units in the first group is in the 1,115 sq ft range and the second group is in the 1,390 sq ft range. (Note: some units may have slightly different square footage; however, the sq ft range it is closer to determines the percentage category for that unit's fees.)
The annual budget for the association is: $81,020.
Fees cover association expenses for the following items:
1) Common area electricity.
2) Water usage for all 16 units.
3) Trash removal.
4) Exterior repairs and maintenance.
5) Grounds maintenance (landscaping, fertilization, mulching, pruning, etc.)
6) Snow removal and salt.
7) Professional expenses and fees.
8) Office expenses.
9) Required association insurance.
10) Racquet & Swim Club dues and lease.
11) Reserve fund allocation.
12) Special assessments (if applicable).
Special Assessments:
In lieu of the majority of unit owners voting to not fully fund the reserves, there may be occasions when reserve funds will not cover the cost associated with a major capital repair/replacement expense. Examples of a special assessment are major repairs/replacements to roofs, building exteriors, and driveways/parking lots.
In 2024, via fees and special assessments, the association put on a new roof on each of the four buildings.